Tuesday, December 19, 2006

TAG, I'm it: 6 weird things about lil ole me

I was tagged by Sandi so that means I have to update my blog yet again.

Here's the dealyo: Tagged peeps make a list of 6 weird things about themselves and post in on their blogs. They must then describe the rules clearly with the post, select 6 new people to be tagged, and list them as well. You also gotsta leave them a comment so they know they have been tagged, with clear instructions to visit your blog for the game.

Without further adieu (and bear in mind, I am weird by nature, so I should really just put #1. myself).

1. I used to think pot-pourri was prounounced as written... "poht"poor-ee"
2. When I'm leaving a basement, I'll often run up the stairs (from fear of the Boogie Man)
3. I do silly dances when nobody is around (and often when they are!)
4. I used to think people who changed billboards never died because they HAD to be there each month to change the ad.
5. I used to think the CN Tower was a rocket ship that had been grounded.
6. I can't walk in high heels (I guess that's not TOO weird is it...)

TAG you're it to: Laserone, Peggy, Lisa, Dawners , and David (I cheated, and only went with 5... but I'm cute so I can get away with it.)


Lorax Girl said...

lovah... it has been a long time. stoked to have a link to you... when i update my links i'm adding you and your badass cupcakes to my favs.

smooches biotch,

Needle Addict said...

Oh Noes, I'm it! I was actually going to tag you but you beat me to it.

Anonymous said...

I totally run up the stairs in the dark just in case the boogieman is chasing me too.

You didn't tag me... but I did it anways. Big link: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=4194433&blogID=222170039&MyToken=c65941bc-ac34-4110-89c4-7fed26230ade
